Friday, April 9, 2010

Nate's Wedding

This is Season 2 discussion. Do you think Eli should have told Nate that Beth had reservations about getting married? Do you think Eli tried to shove the whole thing under the carpet by staying away from the couple and hoping they would just go through with the marriage? My opinion: I think Eli had good intentions that simply backfired. He really did not want to see Nate get hurt and he thought perhaps Beth would go through w/ the wedding if he (Eli) stayed out of the way. Why do you think Nate was mad at Eli afterwards? Being that it was Beth's decision not to marry.
I felt sad for Eli that Nate did not direct his anger toward Beth for her wishy-washiness.


  1. I was in a situation like that once, when I sort of knew about something that was going to happen to someone, who coincidentally reached out to me as a confidant to talk about it. It's a hard situation to be in. You don't want to simply blurt out what you know, because it could influence how that person makes certain decisions, and it certainly raises the possibility that things end badly and you get blamed by both parties for betraying their trust. I think what Eli tried to do initially was ignore the situation, but he was overwhelmed by the need to try to do something. So he tried to see more of the vision (using the dangerous "Dark Truth" technique)so that he could intervene. When he found out that he was part of the reason, he tried to do what he could - including probing Beth with questions and then avoiding her. In my personal situation, I tried to do what I could while trying to hide the fact that I knew both sides of the story. In the end the situation had to simply play itself out. It would have been much easier for me if I didn't know as much as I did and simply been a spectator. But because of that knowledge it created a lot of stress because I wanted to intervene but struggled to know whether I should.

    I saw most of the first season when it originally aired and really loved the show. Recently I downloaded the series from iTunes and have had a great time catching up. Thanks for your posts.

  2. What a cool surprise to log in and get your comment! Thank you! I have noticed Eli really wanting to find out if he can do something to change/help a situation (if he feels the need to) and that he's really bothered when he feels his hands are tied. I think that is good writing and realistic even though the show has its fantasy elements. Thanks for also sharing how you came to like the show. Hope to see you on here again.
